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Our Services

Amplification Search

Amplification services enhance an organization’s ongoing search with a focus on reaching BIPOC candidates (although we welcome ALL to apply).


These services include up to six weeks of:

  • Consultation with PoD partners.

    • ​Up to 3 hrs total regarding job descriptions, candidate ratings, and end of search review.

    • Consultation hours timeframe is from contract sign to end of amplification search.

  • Revision (if necessary) of job description (if this work is to occur prior to search contract being signed, a $200 fee will be charged, but credited forward if contract is signed)

  • Exploration of personal networks and databases to make individual connections

  • Utilization of personal and PoD affiliated social media groups and pages 

  • Dedicated splash page on PoD website

  • Applications received via PoD website

  • Questions from applicants and potential candidates answered by PoD


​Please note, in order for Production on Deck to amplify any searches the following stipulations must be agreed to:

  • PoD must review all job descriptions prior to agreeing to take on a search

  • Salary ranges must be a transparent part of the job description

    • All salaries must be above current MIT Living Wage standards for your area (using the metric for 1 adult, 0 children)

    • We also strongly encourage utilizing the 2024 low income housing limits tool (as defined by The Department of Housing and Urban Development for 1 person) in order to further evaluate pay equity within your organization

  • NO educational requirements may be listed in the job description. (We are happy to have conversations with, and make adjustments for, universities who are currently bound to these requirements)

  • Organization must have an Anti-Racism policy and demonstrated practice

  • "Other duties as assigned" (or any paraphrased version) can not be part of the job description


Additionally, Production on Deck has data to indicate that our industry’s production talent pool has become significantly more shallow in the last 3+ years. Thus, PoD amplification and networking services cannot ethically make any guarantees regarding applicants or candidates.

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